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Undip Students Make RAB to Solve Waste Problems in Teluk Awur Village

Jepara - One of the problems in Teluk Awur Village is the problem of waste management. The waste problem in Teluk Awur Village is a very complex problem. Starting from the accumulation of household waste on vacant land, household waste that is disposed of carelessly, to the lack of waste processing facilities and infrastructure.

In fact, household waste in Teluk Awur Village is collected and piled up carelessly on vacant land, and this is very dangerous for the residents of Teluk Awur Village. The accumulation of garbage is caused by the absence of a waste processing site and the lack of understanding and awareness of the community to manage household waste properly. The village secretary of Teluk Awur said that this problem had existed for decades, but until now it had not been resolved.

The lack of understanding of the residents of Teluk Awur Village is still evident by looking at the many piles of garbage that are not properly managed, including on the west side of the village hall which is village treasury land that should be managed properly by the Teluk Awur Village apparatus itself. A waste processing site is needed to sort all types of waste.

Garbage piled up on vacant land can cause soil pollution. Soil pollution is one of the bad effects of littering. Garbage consists of several materials such as glass, metal, plastic, and organic matter and can also contain harmful materials and microorganisms. Inorganic waste Organic waste can decompose, and in the decomposition process, there are harmful microorganisms that can infect humans and cause diseases such as typhus, diarrhea and bubonic plague. This problem needs to be addressed immediately in order to create a healthy environment that does not endanger the health of Teluk Awur villagers.

Apart from being hoarded, it is not uncommon for household waste to be burned. Garbage that is burned can cause air pollution that disturbs local residents. In addition, burning household waste, plastic and painted wood is harmful to the environment, as these materials release toxic chemicals that pollute the air. Air that is polluted due to smoke from burning waste can be inhaled by humans and animals, stored on the ground, and exposed to surface water and plants. Therefore it is necessary to design and manufacture a Budget Plan (RAB) for a waste collection site in RT 01, Teluk Awur Village.

Rivando Cintoro (21), a Diponegoro University student drafted a budget (RAB) for making trash bins for RT 01. Rivando is also working with Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) to help build the trash cans. The RAB has been submitted to Mr. Muji, as the Management of the Village Owned Enterprise (Bumdes).

Budget Plan (RAB) is an important element in construction activities because it involves the estimated costs to be incurred in carrying out activities. This is very necessary as a reference in the construction of a waste processing site so that development runs smoothly and ensures that funds or budgets are used appropriately. There are several objectives of the RAB, namely as a requirement for submitting price offers, as a basis or guideline if price adjustments and clarifications are required, and guidelines for conducting business if the tender is won.

The preparation of the RAB is expected to realize the creation of appropriate and effective trash cans in accordance with the budget provided. With this, the procurement of trash bins can be increased because the cost of making them is more economical and can be used for the greatest benefit of the residents. By making trash bins for Teluk Awur Village, especially RT 01, Egg Awur Village can be clean and healthy, so that the residents of Teluk Awur Village are free from diseases due to poor waste management.

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